Still Alive…?

(Because even though I’ve never played Portal, I frickin’ love that song…)

The answer to the titular question is: Yes.

In the month since my last non-writing update, we’ve had Father’s Day (a huge success).  And Independence Day (aka the Fourth of July, the national patriotic holiday of my nation of birth, which is traditionally accompanied by both barbecue and pyrotechnics but this year not, for many good reasons, namely several metric tonnes of inconvenient, inconsiderate, and ill-timed precipitation… so… yeah, actually not that hard to overstate my satisfaction, but still we had a good holiday in spite of the rain).

What I haven’t done in the intervening space of time: any fiction writing whatsoever.

What I have done: read a book, pretty much from start to finish.  (I finished one behemoth of a book on June 19th.  Finished the next book in my queue on July 5th, roughly half of which I read during the holiday.)

I could say a lot more about any of the above-mentioned things, but… I don’t actually have enough time to say it.  Point of fact, I’ve got several half-finished or barely-outlined drafts of blog posts sitting around here that I just don’t have the time to finish and post.  So you get this instead.

Hope your writing time is more productive than mine!