Creativity is a Finite (and Renewable) Resource

My recent posts on the challenges of being a writer who cannot find the time to write got me thinking.  Particularly, as I contemplated my writer’s journal, a certain reality hit me.

Which is this: I have the notebook as a tool to allow me to write about my ideas during those free moments – those little five or ten or fifteen minute moments – that pop  up even during a busy day.  And I do have those moments – maybe not every day, but several times a week.  And yet, I don’t spend those moments the way I’d like… I don’t write in my notebook.

Is it because I have no ideas I want to write about?  Certainly not!  I have several story ideas that I want to flesh out and prepare for when I have more substantial writing time.  I have novel projects to work on, and short story ideas to contemplate.  And yet, more often than not, I write nothing about these?  Why is that?

I believe I know the answer.

The simple fact is, creativity is a limited, finite resource. Continue reading